Join Our
Axe Throwing League
If you enjoy axe throwing, join our league to take your game to the next level. We are WATL (World Axe Throwing League) affiliated so your points count towards regional and national tournaments! Our league or Axe Throwing Family as we like to call it, is all about having fun and competing with fellow sharp-metal-throwing enthusiasts! All skill levels are welcome and many of our league members were beginners when they joined.
- Each of our store locations hosts four leagues per year (one per quarter).
- League meets once per week for 8 weeks – dates and time may vary based on location.
- The first 7 weeks is match play to get a total overall score and create a seeding system for the tournament to crown the Axe Throwing Champion during the 8th week.
- Each week consists of warm up time, 4 matches for each participant, and then some time at the end for fun games.
- We offer marathon leagues where you can complete a full 8-week league in one day – contact us to ask about dates, and times.
- League champions receive a prize and jersey patch as well as WATL Circuit Points towards the WATC (World Axe Throwing Championship) for that year!
- Your overall score for the first 7 weeks is listed on the WATL National Leaderboard so you can compare your scores with others across the world!
- Can’t make a night? No problem! Just let your league manager know and you can make up your scores the next league night.
Contact us with questions:

Contact Us to Sign Up for League Play
Seriously, whether you’re a world champion axe thrower or have never thrown an axe in your life, our league is open to all skill levels! Our coaches and even some of our league members are more than willing to help you out and give you the tips, tricks, and skills to get you competing with the best!
We would be happy to host you to play a week for free if you are interested to see what our league is all about. So come on out, have a beer, make a new friend, and throw some axes!
Each league season costs $120 per thrower.
League admission is free for any American Axes members, click here for more information about memberships.