What to Expect at American Axes

My name is Justin and I am one of the axe throwing coaches at American Axes. I am writing this to inform you about what to expect when arriving for your axe throwing session.

When you arrive at our facility, you will be greeted by one of the coaches on duty that day. We will ask for your booking information and we will then follow that up with asking if you have filled out the waiver form, we send it to you when make a booking with us. We recommend filling the waiver out online after completing the booking with us as it speeds up the check in process. After you and your group fill out waivers if you have not done so already, you will then be escorted to your lane and assigned a coach.

We start promptly at the top of the hour and end exactly at your assigned times, that is why we emphasize arriving a few minutes early so as to not lose time.

Once the time has arrived, we go through rules and teach how to throw. Keep in mind during this process you are only going to be taught the basics of axe throwing. Once this process is complete, you will then be allowed to throw with you assigned coach who will then help get you to stick the board consistently. Once you get comfortable with throwing, we have games for your group and our coaches will help teach you the rules and how to score. We want to give you the best experience possible, so we remain close, but will give you your space. This is to ensure that you are having a great time, but to also make sure you are throwing safely.

Once your time is up, we are happy to take a group photo in the lane. After that, you gather your belongings and are free to stay and watch others throw or hang out on our patio area. While tipping is greatly appreciated, it is not required for our coaches.

Hope to see your wonderful faces soon!